
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Why do we feel more pain In winters when we have a bad fall?

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You would relate to this If you had a fall or got hurt in any chilly season, Even a tiny hit from any small thing will give you a tons of pain. Well this is not the same case when its summer or moderate weather. hence people are more careful in winters..

There is a reason why we feel more pain in colder temperatures compared to a hot or moderate weather..

In many parts of the country, we are in the throes of winter’s cold weather. If you are not a winter sports enthusiast or a gym freak, you probably are yearning for longer days and warmer temperatures. For many people, cold weather is more than inconvenient; it causes a very real increase in pain.

We all dread the approach of the longer, colder winter nights. It’s natural for us to prefer to eat and sleep more in the winter. We also choose to move less, are exposed to reduced hours of sunlight and can sometimes feel a little down. All these examples can make us vulnerable to feeling more sensitive.

We know that to keep the nervous system happy and pain-free, we need to move it. Being warmer in the summer sun allows our muscles/ligaments/tendons etc. to be more pliable. This enables soft tissues to have better ranges of flexibility and mobility, leading to reduced stiffness and more comfortable movement- hence the advice of only stretching after warming up.



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