
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Muslim man fined £170 for saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ in public in Switzerland

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Switzerland police fined £178  to a Muslim man for saying ‘Allahu Akbar’ publicly because passerby could have mistaken him for a terrorists.

The man explained in the account that he had used the phrase after spotting a friend while walking through Schaffhausen, northern Switzerland, in May last year.

The man Orhan told that he thought nothing of the phrase, which he said is used by Muslims nigh every second sentence.

However, as he speak with his friend “he was approached by an off-duty police officer” who said his “loud and clear” use of the expression could have caused people to fear an looming terror attack, The Local reports.

“I didn’t want any problems and I spent two minutes trying to explain why I had said what I did,” Orhan said.

Orhan added he was “manhandled” .


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