
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Indian American Residents Were Returned To India by Aeroflot

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As per the latest reports, an Indian American duo was sent back to India during boarding an Aeroflot flight in Moscow, Russia bounded for the U.S.  The Indian American duo was an inhabitant of Virginia. WUSA report has revealed that Marc Fernandes (27) and Shahana Islam (26) were trying to board a U.S.-bound Aeroflot flight in Moscow, Russia, following a vacation with their near and dear ones but on their arrival to New Delhi, India an Aeroflot employee had forbidden them from ingoing the plane that had been headed back to the U.S.

In this regard, Islam has uploaded a video on Facebook that showed that she and Fernandes begged to be sent back to the U.S. The conflict started following an announcement that claimed: “all citizens of the country that need visas in our country after 24 hours will be deported.” Within hours, the video had gone viral and got views about 27,000.  The video also showed, one of the employees was storming off after the duo and further denied to believe that they were American citizens and referred to them as Indian passengers.

Islam wrote on his Facebook status that the guy was discriminating against Indians and attempting to deport them all back to India.  According to the rules of International Air Transport Association (IATA), the citizens ought to be sent back to the United States. As per the official website, the IATA represents Aeroflot and 280 previous airlines and disputes “unreasonable rules and charges, hold regulators and governments to account, and strive for sensible regulation.” Aeroflot has informed that they were investigating the matter and added that they were committed to offer the highest standards of customer service.


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