
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

‘Egg Boy’ to donate money to New Zealand mosque attack victims

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The Australian teenager, who threw egg at a far-right senator over his offensive comments about the Christchurch mosque attacks, has said he would donate most of the money raised for him towards the terror attacks’ victims, the NZ Herald reported.

Seventeen-year-old Will Connolly aka “Egg Boy” had threw egg on Fraser Anning on Saturday after the politician triggered outrage by claiming the attacks at two mosques in which 50 people were killed were caused by Muslim immigration to the country.

Anning was addressing a political meeting in Moorabbin, in Melbourne’s south-east, when Connolly smashed the egg on his head and filmed the act on his phone. The video went viral on social media, spawning viral memes and drawing support from around the world, with one setting up a GoFundMe page, which quickly raised Aus$44,000 to cover “legal fees” and “more eggs”.

Connolly, however, was arrested by the Victoria Police and later released without any charge. “Don’t egg politicians. You get tackled by 30 bogans at the same time. I learnt the hard way,” he tweeted after his release. 

“This was the moment I felt proud to exist as a human being. Let me inform all you guys, Muslims are not terrorists and terrorism has no religion. All those who consider Muslims a terrorist community have empty heads like Anning,” he said.  The politician, however, refused to take back his remarks, which have invited hate and scorn from across the world. 


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