
Wednesday, 16 October 2024

In an hour of oscar glory Mahershala Ali faces heat as people questions his faith.

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Mahershala Ali is awesome but too bad he’s not a real Muslim.” What is the need to say this? What benefit does it bring? Statements like this are the reason our Ummah can’t have nice things. The prejudice that the Ahmadiyya community faces is downright shameful. And if you think Islam teaches you that it’s okay to persecute an entire community, then you have failed to understand Islam. A person’s faith is between them and their Creator only. It’s not for us to decide who is Muslim and who isn’t. Leave that for Him to judge. And by that logic how do we justify our own ill treatment and discrimination in America while simultaneously refusing to acknowledge a fellow Muslim’s right to practice Islam? We complain about being singled out while we continue to single out other Muslims. There’s a word for that. It’s called hypocrisy. Let’s be better than this and put an end to this bigotry. Proud of my brother Mahershala Ali for winning his second Oscar last night, and accepting it while wearing a Jinnah cap (oh yes he did).


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